7 replies on “Wordless Wednesday – Skating”

  1. Heather says:

    LOL Too cute! Kids do the darndest things. ;o)

  2. Lynne says:

    Oh my gosh! That is so cute!

  3. liza says:

    hehehe this is a great alternative..;)
    great shot.Happy WW!
    mine’s here

  4. lutchi says:

    hahahha…I never see one skating like this before. Thanks for sharing.

    Mine is up at 4Seasonsofmylife. Hope you can visit me too. Have a great WW.

  5. Summer says:

    LOL How funny! I bet that was a blast. 🙂

    Happy WW!

  6. amanda says:

    I love those candid moments, they often make the best pics!

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