Tag Archives: end of year

My 10 Favorite Green Parenting Posts for 2009

2009 is almost over and I’m having a bit of fun looking over the work I’ve done here this past year. While there were times that I struggled to post at all, overall it’s been a good and interesting year.

As a mother, the green parenting posts are generally fun to write. Kids matter a lot to me, and helping them respect the planet they live on is something I want to accomplish.

These are the posts I wrote this year about being a green parent that I liked the best:

What More to Do for a Green Baby and Green Nursery?

So much of January this year was spent thinking about my pregnancy and planning to keep things as green as possible with baby #3.

Is It Safe to Let Your Kids Go Free Range?

I consider giving children a lot of freedom to go outdoors a big part of being a green parent, provided it’s done in an age appropriate manner. But it’s challenging these days when even the police can overreact to a 10 year old walking a third of a mile on his own.

4 Places to Connect Online with Other Green Moms

Being a stay at home mom can be lonely. I found a lot of places you can connect online with other green moms.

Consumer Reports Blows It?

I mostly love Consumer Reports, but I really disagreed with them on their report on baby slings and cosleepers.

Can Baby Go Organic?

Sigh. Reading this post really makes me miss my garden at the old house.

Keeping Kids Green and Busy While School’s Out

This summer was so crazy for our family, with the move and all. But taking the time to be green was still worth it.

The Advantages of Walking the Kids to School

When the school’s within walking range as ours is, there are a lot of advantages to walking to school with your kids. It’s good for you, for them, and a great time to just talk with them. It also saves a lot of gas!

Peer Pressure and Healthy School Lunches

My poor daughter got some pressure this year about her healthy eating habits with the lunches she brought from home. Overall she coped well.

What Equipment Do You Need to Make Baby Food?

Who knew that making homemade baby food could be so much fun? I love having the ability to make fresh baby food with my choice of produce. It’s a bit time consuming sometimes, but really worth it.

Baby Food Making with the Kidco Food Mill

I really do adore my food mill. I’ve used it with three children and it’s still going strong. It’s wonderful to be able to feed my babies exactly what everyone else is eating when the food type is appropriate.