Tag Archives: fruit salad

Fruit Salad – Day 21 of 30 Days of Healthy Homemade Summer Treats

30 Days of Healthy Homemade Summer Treats

I have already mentioned using yogurt as a dip for sliced fruit. It also makes a great addition to fruit salad. Yogurt isn’t an absolute necessity – my kids get excited about fruit salad even if it’s fruit and nothing else. Something about fruit being sliced and easy to eat really gets their attention.

I like the flavor lemon yogurt adds, but vanilla or any other flavor work well too. For still more fun, serve the fruit salad in ice cream cones. Kids will take most any excuse to have ice cream cones, even if there’s no ice cream involved.

No real rules about which fruits to include, of course. It’s fruit salad, have fun with it.

Fruit Salad - Day 21 of 30 Days of Healthy Homemade Summer Treats