6 replies on “Wordless Wednesday – Garden Produce”

  1. Comedy Plus says:

    Well she looks very happy about it too. I love gardens. The veggies are so much better. Have a great WW. 🙂

  2. TorAa says:

    She looks so happy and proud. Great entry

  3. Harmonia says:

    Thanks for the visit and the comments! I love your blog! This pic is great, too! Looks like it should be on the cover of a magazine! 🙂

  4. JMom says:

    hi! thanks for dropping by for WW. I too have a little girls who loves yellow squash. We can’t wait until they start coming in from the garden.

    She is so cute!

  5. Danae says:

    Thanks for the WW pic comment!! Your little one is adorable with her prized veggies! =)

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