Joining an Organic Produce Buying Club

I’ve come up with my first goal for the One Small Change for this month. I came across it pretty much by coincidence. My husband happened to comment that one of his coworkers had sent him an email about an organic produce buying club he was in and really liked, and forwarded it to me.

They look really good, and as much as possible they buy from local organic farms. And it’s only $22 a week for this co-op, plus $10 per year. They pool the money to get organic foods at wholesale prices.

Eating local is always a great goal. We used to do pretty well at the old house in Poway with our garden some years. Moving in mid summer meant that this year we didn’t get that benefit.

Anyhow, I’m paying my money and the first pickup will be on Saturday. I’m looking forward to it.

7 replies on “Joining an Organic Produce Buying Club”

  1. This sounds so awesome! Sounds like such a great buying club…I may have to look into something similar in my area!

  2. Stephanie says:

    It really sounds good. My husband’s coworker who told him about it is certainly enthusiastic. And it’s a nice option to a CSA, which is the option I was most familiar with before.

  3. Danielle says:

    We have one of these in the area as well. I really should check it out. Mostly I am excited for the csa season to start. I LOVE csas.

  4. Carol says:

    I love our organic produce group. In our group you can order whatever you want from the list once a week. I just got a friend to order with me, so does that count for my one small change next month?

  5. […] I noted in my post for the One Small Change challenge, I joined an organic produce buying club, and this past Saturday was our first pick up. It went pretty well, except I forgot my reusable bag […]

  6. Oh yay for you!!! This sounds so fantastic – sorry I missed your post on your change 🙂 Sounds pretty cheap for getting awesome organics! Great for you!

  7. […] of the One Small Change challenge. Month one went all right for me. I didn’t get to go to the co-op as often as I would have liked. First week was easy, but the second and third weeks weren’t […]

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